Planning for the future

I can’t count the amount of times I was asked towards the end of the school year “so, what are your plans for 2013?”  As a contracted school teacher  this is an obvious question and we all realise that teachers use the holidays as a time of rest and preparation. Over my summer break I will definitely get the rest, but sadly not the preparation – well not in the way that I would like to have it. You see I am one of MANY teachers who is on contract without permanency. This means in practical terms that at the end of every year (and often every term) I go home uncertain of what my work arrangements will be, or even if there WILL BE any work in the coming year. When I do finally find out that a school would like me to join their community, it is the week/day/hour before school starts and all I have time to prepare for is,  “what to take for lunch, and where is my box of stationery?”

I like to think that I am very good at this adaptability and ‘thinking on my feet’ skills. Some students have been known to marvel at my ability to turn any situation into a learning moment and not go off onto some convoluted obscure direction that makes no sense to them or their teacher on their return. But more and more I am realising that although this is a valuable skill to have – and I am very good at what I do –  there is sooo much more that I could be offering my classes and myself with the benefit of preparation and deep thinking that only happens with the luxury of time.

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Prairiekittin

Time is precious and a non-returnable resource, use yours wisely in 2013 and make every moment count…

I’m off to plan my career path for 2013 despite the uncertainty that I face.

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